14 July, 2009

Wow, what a ride...

I have been on a veritable roLLER Coaster of emotion for the past week or so...

easy when someone very close
to you needs time away. In this case
it made perfect sense...

But that didn't make it easy.

None the less, prayer
and good people really
made it possible-
ultimately God.

I also am having a wonderful time exploring my authentic me. I had a great conversation with Laura Harley tonight after Feast that really helped me to see this- shout out to Laura for her love and support!

The most authentic, whole, empty, yet full at
the same time insides that make me who I
truly am in the eyes of God. I love that person.
Sometimes it is hard to remember and to stay
conscious of the beauty we are given. It is
within us. So deep.

Cindy complemented me a while back on my ability to remember that the answers we are most commonly seeking are inside us. I want to say that was nearly the greatest complement I have ever been given, if not the greatest. Of course this takes our remembering that deep inside us is only Light- the source of all that is and all that ever will be...

We are all a part of that light.

That is to be Blessed.


clyde said...

I'm so happy that you are finding that light. I'm so happy for you:)

been blessed said...

Thanks again, truly. What you said to me made me really look inside and start to figure it out. You always know just what to say... huh. Must be cause you are an English major... or cause you are really in touch with your understanding of me and how to articulate your thoughts about me. Way to go! That is an awesome quality! Thanks for your LIGHT!