26 July, 2008

My brother...

I mention him because he is one of my many blessings.

This guy radiates love.

He knows nothing else.

I am so happy to know such a lover of God.

I saw him nap today with a grin on his face... who does that. Seriously!?

It is frustrating at times that I am his brother. I mean that in the way that I feel incompetent many times. None the less I must realize that I have been blessed and press on that I can be ever more ready to serve him.

I pray God guides me.

I pray.


juicemilk said...

that was so beautiful. i'm bookmarking your blog. i had forgotten that you had one for a while.

Heather said...

:-) x 1,000

We should talk. Soon!

been blessed said...

I am realizing this more and more as each day passes to a degree the last day couldn't bring me yet... huh...