09 July, 2008

Woah, This is an amazing into on the Arlington Baha'i Community Website.

I absolutely love it!

Check it out...

Arlington Baha'i

Junior Youth Groups

Junior youth groups facilitated by trained youth “animators” help youth to develop their latent capabilities and contribute to meaningful service in the community. The groups engage in learning, socializing, arts, sports and service activities. Attention is given to enhancing their powers of expression, recognizing the moral issues underlying everyday decisions and the moral implications of their speech and actions, developing friendships, withstanding negative peer pressure, and building unity and enhancing global citizenship.

If you are interested in participating in a junior youth group your area, please contact us.

blog it

Isn't this totally useful?

I am convinced[PERIOD]


1 comment:

Heather said...

Seriously cool. Thanks for sharin'!